Integration with Wildberries

Description of Interaction with the OVIO Video Surveillance Platform for Integrating the Personal Account of the Pick-up Point (PUP) with the Wildberries Information System via API

The usage scenarios include a description of the user interface of the Video Surveillance platform, as well as the basic actions required for operation.

To provide access to the API of the Wildberries PUP personal account, the Administrator of the Personal Account (PA) on the Video Surveillance Platform must structure the personal account in accordance with the requirements, namely:

  • Access the profile of the Administrator PA as per the data provided by the platform.
  • For each PUP, create a separate user (Employee).
  • Grant the user (Employee of the specific PUP) access to the cameras installed in this PUP by assigning these rights in the Administrator's PA.
  • The user of a specific PUP must generate and provide the Wildberries access token from their profile.

Process of Creating the API Token for the PUP and Granting Access to the Video Surveillance Platform PA for Wildberries:

Important! The user must be authorized on the Video Surveillance platform.

Creating a User in the PA

To create a user in the PA, the following actions must be taken:

  • The PUP Administrator needs to click the "Add" link in the "Employees" list in the "Organization Management" menu.

  • A modal window "Add Employee" is displayed.

  • The PUP Administrator needs to enter the user's email address in the "User Email" field.

  • The PUP Administrator needs to enter the user's password in the "Password" field. By default, when entering the password, the characters are automatically hidden by the system and replaced with '•' (bold dots). To view the entered value, click the button on the right side of the field. To hide the entered value again, click the button that appears in the field.

  • The PUP Administrator must enter the first and last name of the new user in the "First Name" and "Last Name" fields.

  • The PUP Administrator should select the role "PUP Operator (extended rights)." In the "Equipment" section, it is necessary to select the cameras to which Wildberries should have access, and then click the "Save" button (the button becomes active after entering a valid email address - see point 3). This separates the Wildberries cameras from the other PUP cameras.

  • The main page of the Video Surveillance platform is displayed. The new user can log into the platform by entering their email and password.

  • Obtaining a Token for API Access to the Video Surveillance Platform
    To obtain a Token for API access to the Video Surveillance platform, the user must log into their personal account (PA) and generate a new token.

    The following steps must be performed:

    • Log into the PA as the user.
    • The user clicks on their email address and selects the "Profile" button from the dropdown menu.

    • In the "Profile Settings" modal window, the user clicks the "Generate" link in the "API Token" section

    • In the newly opened modal window, the user enters their account password in the "Password for your account" field and clicks the "Generate" button.

      In the "Profile Settings" modal window, the user clicks the "API Token" link, and the "API Token" modal window opens.

      In the "API Token" modal window, the user clicks the "Copy" button to copy the token for further transfer to Wildberries. The PUP provides the PUP Token to Wildberries through the WB Point program.

      In the WB Point Personal Account, the PUP needs to open the "Services" section and select "Video Surveillance."
      Then, the PUP must fill out the activation form for accessing the Video Surveillance PA in WB Point.

      Important! When the video surveillance service is disconnected due to late payment, it is necessary to go through the process of obtaining a new Token for API access to the video surveillance platform and transfer it to Wildberries through the WB Point program.

      Process of Terminating Access to PUP Cameras

      Important! The user must be authorized on the Video Surveillance platform under the account created for Wildberries.

      Deleting the Active PUP Token in the PA

      To terminate access to the PUP cameras, the following actions must be performed in the Personal Account (PA):

      • The user clicks on their email address and selects the "Profile" button from the dropdown menu.

        In the "Profile Settings" modal window, the user clicks the "API Token" link, and the "API Token" modal window opens.
        In the "API Token" modal window, the user clicks the "Delete" button.

        A "Token Deletion" modal window is displayed.

        The user clicks the "Delete" button. The user has now terminated access to the cameras for Wildberries.

      Deleting a User with Camera Access Rights to PUP

      To terminate camera access for the PUP, the following actions must be performed in the Personal Account (PA):

      • The user clicks the "Access Management" button on the top control panel (when hovering over the button, a tooltip will appear).

In the dropdown menu, the user needs to click the "Employees" button.
The user is taken to the web application's page with a table displaying the list of employees, their email addresses, and roles.
The user selects the employee to be deleted from the list and clicks on the employee's name.
In the "Employee Profile" modal window, the user clicks the "Delete Employee" button.

A "Delete Employee" modal window is displayed.

The user clicks the "Confirm" button. Access to the Personal Account for Wildberries for this employee is now terminated.